
Newton Internet Enabler Patch

TOC | Introduction | Installation | Source code | License | Contact | Change History

What is required?

NIE Patch is a patch for NIE. It therefores requires a Newton with Newton Internet Enabler.

NIE Patch has only been tested with NIE 2.0. It might work with other versions of NIE.

To be installed, NIE requires an installation software, for example Newton Package Installer which was distributed with your Newton and can be downloaded from Apple's FTP. It requires a computer running Windows or MacOS.

What's in NIE Patch Archive?

The archive which you can download from the Kallisys website includes the following elements:

The Reflexive license (under which NIE Patch is distributed) forbids you to distribute these elements separately except the documentation.

The documentation can be viewed with any free HTML browser, including Help Viewer on MacOS, NetHopper on NewtonOS or Mozilla on many platforms.

Installing NIE Patch

Installation of the NIE Patch package is just like any other package, please refer to your installation software documentation.

Since v2, NIE Patch can actually patch NIE in two cases:

However, it's better not to patch NIE while the Newton is connected to the Internet. For this reason, I suggest to put NIE Patch either on the internal store or on the store NIE is on (usually the internal store anyway).

NIE Patch also removes the patch when it is frozen/deactivated. But NIE also removes the patch when it is deactivated (and NIE Patch will re-patch it when it will be loaded). So in a nutshell, you shouldn't really need to freeze NIE Patch but you can do it if you need to.

If you are updating from v1, please remove the old NIE Patch v1, restart (you have to because of a bug in this old release) and then install the new version. Since v2, NIE Patch symbol changed to ensure that it is loaded before NIE if possible.

Additionally, NIE Patch wasn't there when your previous DNS cache entries were added. So I suggest to delete this cache (under Storage) just after you installed NIE Patch.

Running NIE Patch

Once installed, NIE Patch will do all the magic for you. You don't have to do anything. Tapping the icon in Extras (in the Extension folder normally) will reveal the copyright notice. It will also indicate the version and if NIE is currently patched or not. For some reasons, the patch will be loaded approximatively 3 seconds after NIE was loaded.

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Copyright © 2001 by Paul Guyot. All rights reserved worldwide.