Ground (4) -> Ground (4) (also connect to connectors' shrouds)
Transmit+ (6) -> Receive+ (8)
Transmit- (3) -> Receive- (5)
Receive+ (8) -> Transmit+ (6)
Receive- (5) -> Transmit- (3)
Data Term Ready (1) -> Clear To Send (2)
Clear To Send (2) -> Data Term Ready (1)
PC (DB9) Newton (DIN)
1 1
2 3
3 5
4 7,2
5 4,8
6 1
7 N/C
8 N/C
9 N/C
N/C=not connected.
Apple MessagePad 100: 50 mA
Apple MessagePad 110: ~160 mA
Apple MessagePad 120: ~300 mA
Apple MessagePad 130: ~300 mA (with backlight off)
Apple MessagePad 130: (with backlight on, the maximum has not been characterized)
, or the store method SuckPackageFromBinary()
depending on where the package is coming from.SafeRemovePackage
until after you verify (most likely with a deferred call) that the SuckPackageFromEndpoint
or SuckPackageFromBinary
has succeeded.SafeRemovePackage
from a function that's in the target package. You'll need to create a small function which does nothing but remove the old package, and then TotalClone that small function before executing it via a deferred call. Otherwise you'd be chopping your package's legs out from under itself, causing no end of havoc!installscript
performs whatever checks are necessary, and then conditionally calls SuckPackageFromBinary
, providing the binary object which holds the real package..pkg
file that NTK produces into an object in the NewtonScript environment in NTK. On Windows NTK, LoadDataFile
does this. On Macintosh NTK, the easiest thing to do is use a utility such as Clipboard Magician to copy the data from the .pkg
file into a resource, then use GetNamedResource
to get the data in your installer package. GetNamedResource
and LoadDataFile
are documented in the Newton Toolkit User's Guide. The MonacoTest sample code is a working example of a package installer that uses this technique.func(pkgRef)
local thelen:=extractword(pkgRef,26) div 2 -1;
local s:=" ";
while strlen(s)<thelen do
BinaryMunger(s, 0, thelen*2, pkgRef,
52+(extractlong(pkgRef,48)*32)+extractword(pkgRef,24), thelen*2);
Pin 1 HSKo /DTR
Pin 2 HSKi /CTS
Pin 3 TxD- /TD
Pin 4 GND Signal ground connected to both logic and chassis ground.
Pin 5 RxD- /RD
Pin 6 TxD+ (see below)
Pin 7 GPi General purpose input received at SCC's DCD pin.
Pin 8 RxD+ (see below)
Pin 9 Power out 5V@100ma. This pin only exists on the eMate 300 and the Newton Serial Adapter.
to open the "Align Pen" view. CalibrateTablet
takes no arguments, and does not return until the user has finished the calibration.CalibrateTablet
automatically saves the new calibration information for you.