Installing Personal Data Sharing1.51

August 15,1998: Personal Data Sharing 1.51 isa maintennance release to address the problem OS 2.1 users had withopening nHTTPd 1.5.

This document is only intended as aquick reference to provide information on the order in which thepackages should be loaded onto your Newton.

For full details and other instructions,please consult the onlinemanual. or the local versionhere.

Installation Order:

  1. nHTTPd: The Server Application: nHTTPd.pkg
  2. nHTTPd Setup: Configuration App for nHTTPd: nHTTPdCfg.pkg
  3. Notepad Server: Translates Notes into HTML pages: NoteServ.pkg
  4. Agenda Server: Creates a HTML report of upcoming dates: DateServ.pkg
  5. Whiteboard: Allows posting of Notes to your server: Wboard.pkg
  6. Notepad Config: Quickly sets up the Notepad for serving pages: PadConf.pkg


