Connect Your Server:

  1. Open nHTTPd and Choose 'Start'
  2. After your Newton has connected via Modem, Appletalk, Ethernet, or whatever, the IP address will appear in the IP monitor window. We'll call it my.current.server.ip
  3. If you want to, minimize nHTTPd now using the NS button.

Access Your Server:

  1. In your web browser, enter the following URL:
    http://my.current.server.ip/html/index.html and you'll see something that looks like this (unless you have installed a custom default page)
    Matthew Vaughn
    190 ERML 1201 W Gregory Drive 61801
    (217) 867-5309

    Available Notes:

    • About This Server
    • Testing
    • Hardware
    • Outline
    • What's New In 1.2 ?

    Generated by NotePad Server 1.1f
    7/29/98 1:43 pm

  2. Click on any of the notes and it'll be served right up
  3. As people access your site, the counter will increment and you'll see the names of the files they're getting. After running this test, your counter should read 1 and /html/index.html should be displayed in the status window.
  4. OK, That should be IT. Have fun and make sure to report major bugs to me at

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