ReceiveRequest Requests Incorrect After Using RemoveTempItems

One of the Newton 2.x OS Q&As
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This document was exported on 7/23/97.

ReceiveRequest Requests Incorrect After Using RemoveTempItems (10/1/96)

Q: If my transport calls the owner method RemoveTempItems when items are selected, the ReceiveRequest message sometimes has bogus request arguments (for instance, the cause is set to 'remote). Is this a known bug?

A: Yes, this is a known bug in RemoveTempItems. The call to RemoveTempItems does not clear out the cache of selected items correctly. This will be fixed in a future version of the Newton OS.

To workaround the problem, assume the following: If your transport's communications channel is not currently connected and you receive a request with its cause slot set to 'remote, assume that the cause slot is actually 'user and act accordingly. If you receive a request with its 'cause slot set to 'remote and your transport's communications channel is connected then perform the appropriate action for receiving remote items.