TapAction Slot Requires Text Slot to be Present

One of the Newton 2.x OS Q&As
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This document was exported on 7/23/97.

TapAction Slot Requires Text Slot to be Present (1/15/97)

Q: I have an autopart that I want to display an About slip when tapped. I added a tapAction slot but it does not work. What is missing?

A: The system will ignore the tapAction slot if it does not find a 'text slot in the partFrame as well. The 'text slot contains the name that will be displayed in the Extras drawer.

The following lines will correctly add a tapAction to a your part frame (in other words, your autopart):

    DefineGlobalConstant('kTapActionFn,func()begin    // your code goes here! end);// part MUST have a text slot for tapAction to be used// text slot is the name seen by the user in ExtrasSetPartFrameSlot('text, kAppName) ;SetPartFrameSlot('tapAction, kTapActionFn) ;