Unregistering Stamps in Newton Works Draw

One of the Newton 2.x OS Q&As
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This document was exported on 7/23/97.

NEW: Unregistering Stamps in Newton Works Draw (7/2/97)

Q: When I call the Newton Works Draw stationery's UnRegStamps method, my registered stamps do not get unregistered. What is going wrong?

A: There is a bug in the Draw application's UnRegStamps method that causes stamps to remain registered. Use the following code to unregister your stamps:

local viewDef := GetViewDefs( 'drawPaper ).default;if viewDef then    begin        // Call UnregStamps conditionally.  If the Draw application is not        // installed, GetViewDefs will return the "Missing Stationery"        // stationery.        viewDef:?UnregStamps( kStampRegistrySymbol );        local registry := GetViewDefs( 'drawPaper ).StampListRegistry;        if registry AND HasSlot( registry, kStampRegistrySymbol ) then            RemoveSlot( registry, kStampRegistrySymbol );    end;

Note that calling the UnRegStamps method is required for future compatibility.