How to Open the Call Slip or Other Route Slips

One of the Newton 2.x OS Q&As
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How to Open the Call Slip or Other Route Slips (12/19/95)

Q: How do I open the call slip (or other route slips) programmatically?

A: Use the global function OpenRoutingSlip. Create a new item with the transport's NewItem method and add routing information such as the recipient information in the toRef slot. For the call slip, the transport symbol will be '|phoneHome:Newton|, but this approach will work for other transports. (For transports other than the call transports, you will also provide the data to route in the item.body slot.)

Determining the value of the toRef slot

The toRef slot in the item frame should contain an array of recipients in the form of nameRefs, which are the objects returned from protoPeoplePicker and other protoListPicker-based choosers. Each nameRef can be created from one of two forms: a cardfile soup entry, or just a frame of data with minimal slots. (The required slots vary depending on the transport. For instance, the current call transport requires only phone, name, and country.)

1. Cardfile entry:
        entry := myCursor:Entry();

2. Create your own pseudo-entry:
        entry := {        phone:"408 555 1234",        name: {first: "Glagly", last: "Wigout"},        country: "UK",    };

Make the entry into a "nameRef" using the nameRef's registered datadef -- an object which describes how to manipulate nameRefs of a specific class. Note that every transport stores its preferred nameRef class symbol in its transport.addressingClass slot. (Examples are '|| and '||).

local class := '||;local nameRef := GetDataDefs(class):MakeNameRef(myData, class);

Setting up the targetInfo Frame

Your GetTargetInfo view method should return a targetInfo frame, consisting of target and targetView slots. Alternatively, you can create a frame consisting of these slots and pass it to OpenRoutingSlip. As a workaround to a ROM bug, you must also supply an appSymbol slot in the targetInfo frame containing your appSymbol. Note that could be a multiple item target (see the CreateTargetCursor documentation for more info.)

Opening The Slip

You can use OpenRoutingSlip to open the slip after setting up slots such as toRef and cc within the item. You can use code such as the following:

/* example using Call Transport */local item, entry, class, nameRef;// just for testing, get an Name...entry := GetUnionSoup("Names"):Query(nil):Entry();item := TransportNotify('|phoneHome:Newton|, 'NewItem, [nil]);if item = 'noTransport or not item then    return 'noTransport; class := '||;nameRef := GetDataDefs(class):MakeNameRef(entry, class);item.toRef :=  [nameRef];targetInfo := {    targetView: getroot(),     target: {}/* for non-CALL transports, add your data here! */,     appsymbol: kAppSymbol    };// returns view (succeeded), or fails: nil or 'skipErrorMessageOpenRoutingSlip(item, targetInfo);