How to Programmatically Open the Header Slip

One of the Newton 2.x OS Q&As
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This document was exported on 7/23/97.

How to Programmatically Open the Header Slip (1/3/97)

Q: I like the way the Newton Works application (for Newton 2.1 OS) automatically opens the header slip each time a new entry is created. Can I make my newtApp-based application do this?

A: Yes! The newtEntry(Roll/Page)Header proto has a PopIt method which opens the header. You will need to override the StatScript of your newtNewStationeryButton and send the header a PopIt message. Because PopIt is not defined prior to Newton 2.1 OS, you will need to check for its existence before calling it. Here is a code example:

    newtNewStationeryButton.    StatScript: func( theStat )
            // Keep a copy of the inherited return value for use below
            local result := inherited:?StatScript( theStat );

            // Pass self as a parameter for the closure.  This gives us a reference
            // to the application so we can get the entry view.
            AddDeferredCall( func( context ) 
                                    local entryView := context:GetTargetView();

                                    // This code assumes that your header is declared to the entry
                                    // view with the name theHeaderView
                                    if entryView.theHeaderView.popIt then
                                        entryView.theHeaderView:Popit( true );
                            [self] );
