Newton Bitmap Formats

One of the Newton 2.x OS Q&As
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This document was exported on 7/23/97.

Newton Bitmap Formats (5/14/96)

Q: What is the format for bitmap binary objects in the Newton OS?

A: There are several bitmap formats used in the Newton OS. The Newton OS provides routines for creating and manipulating bitmaps at runtime, and uses other formats for displaying bitmaps from developer packages.

If you want to create a bitmap object at compile time, below is a description of the format of a simple bitmap object. If you want to create a bitmap at run time, we strongly encourage you to use MakeBitmap and copy data into the bitmap.

Simple Bitmaps

Normally, bitmaps are created at compile time using Newton Toolkit picture editors or functions (for example, GetPICTAsBits). If you want to create bitmaps dynamically at compile time, you can create a simple bitmap object with the following format.

Warning: Different formats may be used by images or functions in future ROMs. This format will still be supported for displaying images. This format does not describe images created by other applications nor any images provided or found in the Newton ROM. You can use the following format information to create and manipulate your own bitmaps -- preferably at compile time:

    bounds: <bounds frame>,
    bits:   <raw bitmap data>,
    mask:   <raw bitmap data for mask - optional>

    Binary object <raw bitmap data> - class 'bits
    bytes    data-type  descr
    0-3      long       ignored
    4-5      word       #bytes per row of the bitmap data
                        (must be a multiple of 4)
    6-7      word       ignored
    8-15     bitmap     rectangle - portion of bits to use--see IM I
    8-9      word       top
    10-11    word       left
    12-13    word       bottom
    14-15    word       right
    16-*     bits       pixel data, 1 for "on" pixel, 0 for off

The bitmap rectangle and bounds slot must be in agreement regarding the size of the bitmap.

MakeBitmap Shapes

If you want to create bitmap data at run time or extract bitmap data from a bitmap created with the MakeBitmap global function, use the GetShapeInfo function to get the bitmap and other slots required to interpret the meaning of the bitmap created by MakeBitmap.

Warning: the following information applies only to bitmaps of depth 1 (black and white bitmaps) created by your application with MakeBitmap. Do not rely on GetShapeInfo or the following slots for images created by other applications, images stored in the Newton ROM, images created with functions other than MakeBitmap, nor images with a depth other than 1.

If you created a bitmap using MakeBitmap of depth 1, the return value of GetShapeInfo contains frame with information you can use to interpret the bitmap data.

This frame includes a bits slot referencing the bitmap data for the bitmap. This bitmap data can be manipulated at run time (or copied for non-Newton use), using other slots in the return value of GetShapeInfo to interpret the bitmap binary object: scanOffset, bitsBounds, and rowBytes. For instance, the first bit of the image created with MakeBitmap can be obtained with code like:

   bitmapInfo := GetShapeInfo(theBitmap);
   firstByte := ExtractByte(bitmapInfo.bits, bitmapInfo.scanOffset);
   firstBit := firstByte >> 7; // 1 or 0, representing on or off

Note that rowBytes will always be 32-bit aligned. For instance, for a bitmap with a bitsBounds having width 33 pixels, rowBytes will be 8 to indicate 8 bytes offsets per horizontal line and 31 bits of unused data at the end of every horizontal line.