function return error -28801 (Out of heap memory) or -28706 (Invalid parameter)? I don't think I'm out of memory, and I don't always get this error code so my parameters must be right. What is wrong?A:={first: {left:3, right: 30, top:10, bottom:90}};
A.second := A.first; // triggers the problem
B:={first: {left:3, right: 30, top:10, bottom:90}};
B.second := clone(B.first); // cloning avoids the problem
C:={first: {left:3, right: 30, top:10, bottom:90, foo: nil}};
C.second := C.first; // no problem since exists
D:={first: {left:3, right: 30, top:10, bottom:1000}};
D.second := D.first; // no problem since D.bottom is >255