and EntryChangeXMit
and EntryChangeXMit
is what will be done with the entry after the flush or change._proto
slots. The result is that the data will be written to the store, and a cached frame will exist. Often, this is exactly what is desired because the entry is still needed since it will soon be accessed or modified. EntryFlushXMit
is a better option; it writes the data to the soup without creating the cached entry.AddXMit
or EntryChangeXMit
. If the entry will not soon be used again (so it doesn't need to take up heap space with the cached frame), then use AddFlushedXmit
or EntryFlushXMit
.while entry do
entry.fooCount := entry.fooCount + 1;
// nil appSymbol passed so don't broadcast
EntryFlushXMit(entry, nil);
entry := cursor:Next();
end; // Could broadcast now
foreach x in kInitialData do // if new, may not need broadcast
soup:AddFlushedXmit(Clone(x), nil);