Handling a -36006 Error When Disconnecting

One of the Newton 2.x OS Q&As
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This document was exported on 7/23/97.

Handling a -36006 Error When Disconnecting (1/17/97)

Q: Sometimes -36006 is thrown when I call my endpoint's disconnect method. What is happening?

A: This error will occur when Disconnect is called on a dropped connection. In fact, any time the endpoint state does not match the expected state of the calling method, a -36006 exception will be thrown.

To work around this problem, include an EventHandler method in your endpoint. When the connection drops, the EventHandler will be called and passed an event with an eventCode of 2. Simply add a delayed call to unbind and dispose of your endpoint. Do not use a deferred call to unbind and dispose of your endpoint: a bug in the deferred call mechanism can cause unpredictable results with communications code.