How to Create Newton Works Documents

One of the Newton 2.x OS Q&As
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This document was exported on 7/23/97.

NEW: How to Create Newton Works Documents (5/15/97)

Q: How do I create a Newton Works document for Newton 2.1 OS devices or later?

A: If you want to create a new "empty" stationery document, use the Newton Works method AddEntryFromStationery. For instance:
    if GetRoot().NewtWorks then


If you want to create a new entry with data already in it, use the Newton Works method AdoptEntryFromStationery. To create a new entry, you must add the basic Newton Works soup entry slots and then any stationery-specific slots:

(1) Create a frame with the basic Newton Works soup entry slots as shown below:
class: Class of the item. For instance, for Draw documents, use the symbol 'drawPaper
version: Integer, the current version of the entry
title: String which is the document title
timeStamp: Creation date of the entry
realModTime: Date the entry was most recently modified

(2) Add the stationery-specific slots:

"Draw" Stationery Additional Slots

saveData: a frame with the following slots:
shapes: Required. An array of a single item, a picture as returned by the global function MakePict.
    selection:    [], // the empty array
    styles:        nil,

Warning: the above information describes only how to create a new Draw document. See the Q&A "Reading/Modifying Newton Works Data" for information on reading information from a Draw document. Slots in the saveData slot of Draw documents already in Newton Works should be treated as read-only. (Do not try to modify these data structures in any way.)

"Paper" Stationery Additional Slots

SaveData: the object returned from protoTXView:Externalize(). See the Newton 2.1 OS documentation for information about Externalize(). Note that this data must be from a protoTXView that uses VBOs (it uses the protoTXView:SetStore(...) method), or Newton Works can run out of NewtonScript memory when editing the document.

hiliteRange: frame with the document's hilite range (see the protoTXView documentation for details)

margins: a frame with slots 'top, 'left, 'bottom, 'right, which are the document's margins in pixels. The frame can also optionally have the slots 'userTop, 'userLeft, 'userBottom, and 'userRight that will contain numbers (integer or real) with the margin sizes translated to user units (inches or centimeters.) If the userXXX slots are missing or nil, they will be calculated from the pixel values.

(3) Use code like the following to add the entry to the soup:
    if GetRoot().NewtWorks then
        GetRoot().NewtWorks:AdoptEntryFromStationery(theEntry, stationerySym, GetDefaultStore());

See the Newton Programmer's Reference for more info about the NewtApplication:AdoptEntryFromStationery(...) method.