Communications With No Terminating Conditions

One of the Newton 2.x OS Q&As
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This document was exported on 7/23/97.

Communications With No Terminating Conditions (6/9/94)

Q: How do I handle input that has no terminating characters and/or variable sized packets?

A: Remember that input specs are specifically tied to the receive completion mechanism. To deal with the situations of no terminating characters or no set packet sizes, you need only realize that one receive completion is itself a complete packet. Set the byteCount slot of your input spec to the minimum packet size. In your input script, call Partial to read in the entire packet, and then call FlushInput to empty everything out for your next receive completion.

If this is time-delay-based input, you may be able to take advantage of partialScripts with partialFrequencies. Call the Ticks global function if necessary to determine the exact execution time of a partialScript.