Check for Application Base View Slots

One of the Newton 2.x OS Q&As
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This document was exported on 7/23/97.

Check for Application Base View Slots (3/6/94)

Here's a simple function that will print out all the slots and the slot values in an application base view. This function is handy if you want to check for unnecessary slots stored in the application base view; these eat up the NewtonScript heap and eventually cause problems with external PCMCIA RAM cards.

    call func() 
        local s,v;
        local root := GetRoot();
        local base := root.|YourApp:YourSIG|; // name of app
        local prot := base._proto;

        foreach s,v in base do
            if v and v <> root AND v <> base AND v <> prot then
               Write ("Slot:" && s & ", Value: ");
    end with ()

The debugging function TrueSize can also be a valuable tool to determine the heap used by your applications. See the NTK User Guide for more information about TrueSize.